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Basic Security Module (BSM)

Para configurar la auditoria a nivel C2 de Solaris es necesario habilitar el  módulo  de  seguridad  básica  o  BSM  (Basic  Security  Module). 

1.  Asegurarse  de  que  aún  no  se  encuentra  habilitado  BSM  (el siguiente comando no debe devolver ninguna salida): grep c2audit /etc/system

2.  Habilitar BSM:
This script is used to enable the Basic Security Module (BSM).
Shall we continue with the conversion now? [y/n] y
bsmconv: INFO: checking startup file. bsmconv: INFO: move aside /etc/rc3.d/S81volmgt. bsmconv: INFO: turning on audit module. bsmconv: INFO: initializing device allocation files. The Basic Security Module is ready. If there were any errors, please fix them now. Configure BSM by editing files located in /etc/security. Reboot this system now to come up with BSM enabled.

3.  Revisar que se haya creado el directorio /var/audit:
ls -ld /var/audit
drwxr-xr-x   2 root      sys           512 Jul 12 22:23 /var/audit
ls -l /var/audit
total 2
-rw-------            1    root                    root                                        56    Jul    12    22:23

4.  Configurar   en   el   archivo   /etc/security/audit_control   las siguientes clases de eventos a ser auditadas:
# vi /etc/security/audit_control
dir:/var/audit flags:lo,ad naflags:lo,ad # #    lo - login/logout events #    ad - administrative actions: mount, exportfs, etc. #    pc - process operations: fork, exec, exit, etc. #    fc - file creation #    fd - file deletion #    fm - change of object attributes: chown, flock, etc

5.  Crear el script /etc/security/
vi /etc/security/


# - Start a new audit file and expire the old logs

# If the disk space isn't sufficient to retain logs on a month, # lower
this value from 30 to 7



# Rotate the log file audit -n

# Move the log files to the archive directory and compress

for i in `ls ${AUDIT_DIR} | grep -v not_terminated | grep -v logs`
compress ${AUDIT_DIR}/${i}
mv ${AUDIT_DIR}/${i}.Z ${LOG_DIR}/${i}.Z

# Delete old log files

cd ${AUDIT_DIR} # in case it is a link
find . ${LOG_DIR} -type f -mtime +${AUDIT_EXPIRE} \
-exec rm {} > /dev/null 2>&1 \;
exit 0

chmod 500 /etc/security/
6.  Configurar la siguiente línea de crontab para el usuario root:
0 0 * * * /etc/security/

7.  Reiniciar el sistema:
/usr/sbin/shutdown -y -g 0 -i 6

8.  Los  archivos  de  auditoria  generados  pueden  ser  leídos  con  el comando praudit


Random TIPS


PCP script to find open TCP ports and PIDs in Solaris

PCP is a script that can help you quickly find Processes (PIDs)
having particular TCP Port(s) open, TCP ports open by specific PIDs
or even list all the TCP Ports open by all PIDs running on your system.

PIDs for TCP Port
Run PCP with "-p" option to show the PIDs of processes having a
TCP port (say Port 22)
test@mx3 # ksh "pcp.ksh" -p 22 PID Process Name and Port
26308 sshd 22
sockname: AF_INET port: 22
sockname: AF_INET port: 22
sockname: AF_INET port: 22

TCP Ports open by PIDs
Run PCP with "-P" option to show the TCP ports open by specific PID

PIDs for all open TCP Ports
Use the "-a" option to list all TCP ports open with all the PIDs

Many thanks for this Script Sam Nelson and Daniel Trinkle trinkle

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