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SCSA Solaris 10

SCSA Victor Manuel Murillo Garibay

  • OCE, Oracle Solaris 10 Network Administrator
  • SCSECA Solaris 10
  • SCSA Solaris 10
  • SCSA Solaris 9
  • SCSA Solaris 8
RHT Alejandro Callejas
Red Hat Certified Technician
RHT Jesus Acosta
Red Hat Certified Technician
JAva Edgar Tejada GarcĂ­a
Java Programer

Random TIPS

If you transferring any script file, plain files or text files between windows and SunOS Server and the file have ^M or nonwished characters you can resolve this issue following the next process:
1.- Open the file using vi editor vi file.txt
2.- type the next command [space] :%!col -bx [enter]
3.- and close and save file.txt file

The issue has been resolved.!!

By Jacosta

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