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Security Grants

grant select on PERSON_TABLE to public with grant option;

select * from dba_tab_privs where TABLE_NAME = 'PERSON_TABLE'

select * from dba_role_privs where granted_role = 'PORTMAN_TABLE'

Resizing A Data File

alter database datafile '/u04/oradata/wpk/temp01.dbf' resize 500m;

Show All Product Information

select * from product_component_version;

Show Row Counts For All Tables That Have ANALYZE On

select owner table_name, num_rows from dba_tables where num_rows > 0

Select All Users Active In The System

select sid, serial#,user#, Username, machine, program, server, status, command, type from v$session order by username

Show What A Current User Is Doing

select sid, serial#, status, server from v$session where username = 'BROWNBH';

Create Count For All Tables

select 'Select count(*) from ' ||owner|| '.' ||table_name|| ';' from dba_all_tables order by owner, table_name

Show All Indexes

select owner, index_name, table_type, tablespace_name from dba_indexes where  owner <>'SYSTEM' and owner <> 'DBSNMP' and owner <> 'ORDSYS' and owner <> 'OUTLN' and owner <> 'SYS' and owner <> 'SYSTEM' order by owner, index_name, tablespace_name

Show All Tables

select owner, table_name, table_type, tablespace_name from dba_all_tables where owner <>'SYSTEM' and owner <> 'DBSNMP' and owner <> 'ORDSYS' and owner <> 'OUTLN' and owner <> 'SYS' and owner <> 'SYSTEM' order by owner, table_name, tablespace_name

Show Space Used

select Tablespace_Name, /*Tablespace name*/ Owner, /*Owner of the segment*/ Segment_Name, /*Name of the segment*/ Segment_Type, /*Type of segment (ex. TABLE, INDEX)*/ Extents, /*Number of extents in the segment*/ Blocks, /*Number of db blocks in the segment*/ Bytes /*Number of bytes in the segment*/ from DBA_SEGMENTS where owner <>'SYSTEM' and owner <> 'DBSNMP' and owner <> 'ORDSYS' and owner <> 'OUTLN' and owner <> 'SYS' and owner <> 'SYSTEM'

Sum Space By Owner

select owner, sum(blocks) Totalblocks, sum(bytes)TotalBytes from DBA_SEGMENTS group by owner

Sum Space by Tablespace

select tablespace_name, sum(blocks) Totalblocks, sum(bytes)TotalBytes from DBA_SEGMENTS  group by tablespace_name

Show Reads And Writes By File Name In Oracle DB

select v$ "File Name", v$filestat.phyrds "Reads", v$filestat.phywrts "Writes" from v$filestat,v$datafile where v$filestat.file# = v$datafile.file#

Show Versions Of Software

select * from V$VERSION

Identify Segments That Are Getting Close To Their Max-Extent Values

select owner,tablespace_name,segment_name,bytes,extents,max_extents from dba_segments where extents*2 > max_extents

Identifies Segments That Are Getting Close To Running Out Of Contiguous Free Space

select owner, s.tablespace_name, segment_name, s.bytes, next_extent, max(f.bytes) largest from dba_segments s, dba_free_space f where s.tablespace_name = f.tablespace_name(+) group by owner, s.tablespace_name, segment_name, s.bytes, next_extent having next_extent*2 >max(f.bytes)

Displays Archived Redo Log Information

select * from v$database  

Display Count Historical Archived Log Information From The Control File

select count(*) from v$archived_log 

select min(completion_time) from v$archived_log

Shows Current Archive Destinations

select * from v$archive_dest

Backups Of Archived Logs

select count(*) from v$backup_redolog

Display All Online Redo Log Groups For The database

select * from v$log 

Show All Datafiles For Tablespace And Oracle Stuff

select * from dba_data_files order by tablespace_name, file_name

Random TIPS

Use the command:
% netstat -an
It will show you what ports are in use on the local and foreign machines as well as the protocol running over that port for that connection and IP address information. It also displays the state of the socket being used.
Using the above tip user can identify the port to which he wants to send data is busy or free.

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